

S.KT. (TTKT / どんけい etc…)








2023年10月3日には音声合成ソフトを用いた1stボーカルアルバム『Unionを、12月1日には1stコンセプトアルバム『Road Of Waterを、2024年11月9日には音声合成ソフトを用いた2ndボーカルアルバム『Audienceを配信した。






そして2023年から、既存曲・新規曲の両方で楽曲投稿を開始。メインストリームであるYouTubeニコニコ動画SoundCloudでの活動のほかに、音楽配信サービスでの配信も行っている。さらに、 今までほとんど触れてこなかったボカロ系に触れ、ボーカル曲の制作に用いるようになった。




S.KT. (TTKT / DonKei)

Creator who continues to make music as an extension of his hobby

S.KT. is a Japanese music creator. He is known for his gentle pop songs.

He considers his own music production to be his life’s work, and has established the concept of “Phase” as a general direction. He uses characters that match the setting and uses several different names (unified as S.KT. on distribution services). While posting songs at his own pace, on October 3, 2023, he digitally released his first vocal album “Union” using voice synthesis software. On December 1, 2023, he digitally released his first concept album “Road Of Water”. He is currently running Phase 2 “Audience” and is trying to hone his production skills.

Since his childhood, he has been influenced by various media and surroundings, which led him to listen to a wide variety of music. A wide range of other elements such as illustrations, audio works, games, anime/special effects, and other mixed media works have influenced his current favorite musical genres.
He became interested in music production around 2018 and started producing music using his smartphone (GarageBand). He has continued his music activities for individuals and relatives.
Around 2020, he seriously transitioned to a computer, learned basic music theory and the concept of plug-in synthesizers, and began building a music production environment.
From 2023, he started posting songs, both existing and new. In addition to his mainstream activities on YouTube, Nico Nico Douga, and SoundCloud, he also distributes music on music distribution services. Furthermore, he came into contact with the Vocaloid genre, which he had hardly touched before, and started using it to create vocal songs.

His activities are not limited to simply posting songs, but he has shown an attitude of following through on projects through his music activities, such as holding a challenge to compose music in 10 minutes as a result of music production, and openly publicizing the results. In the future, he will continue to look for ways to expand his career opportunities, such as by joining to the community.
